Alphaville Schlagerboom Silvester 2024

OUT NOW on our YouTube channel! 2024 ended with a (Schlager)boom! After performing ‘Big in Japan’ & ‘Forever Young’ live in Munich, we danced into the new year with you <3

Wie wir soeben erfahren haben…

Wie wir soeben erfahren haben, verwenden Anhänger der rechtsextremistischen Partei AfD unseren Song „Forever Young“ in ihren Medien, um für diese faschistoide Vereinigung Reklame zu machen. Alphaville wird alles daran setzen, dieser missbräuchlichen Verwendung entgegenzutreten. Die Musik von Alphaville und die Band sind in keiner Weise mit den politischen Vorstellungen dieser Partei und ihren Anhängern […]


Wir sind zutiefst erschüttert über den Anschlag auf den Weihnachtsmarkt in Magdeburg. In dieser schweren Zeit sind unsere Gedanken bei den Opfern und ihren Familien sowie den vielen Verletzten.

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas

Dear Friends, we wish you all a wonderful and fulfilling Christmas with your loved ones and courage and confidence for the times ahead. No matter how complicated and unpredictable they may be, we will make it, together, somehow… So have yourself a merry little Christmas… now. Marian Gold and Alphaville

Tour Start went great!

First show of our BEST OF 40 YEARS tour last night! We had such a wonderful time. Thank you, Kempten!

OUT NOW: “Forever Young” David Guetta, Alphaville, Ava Max

In September 1984 we released our third single „Forever Young“. Now, 40 years later, we look back on the grand journey it has taken us on. And it doesn‘t stop! Today, together with the fantastic @davidguetta and marvellous @avamax we released a new version of this evergreen. 🎶 So, let‘s all dance into the weekend together! 🕺🏻🎉🚀 LISTEN HERE […]

7th October 2023

On October 7, 2023, Hamas launched the largest-ever terrorist attack on Israeli soil. The Palestinian organisation, considered a terrorist group by the EU and the US, stormed through the security fence separating Gaza and Israel in the early morning, killing 1,189 people, including 815 civilians, wounding 7,500 and taking 251 hostage.   Source


Postfach 38 01 11
14111 Berlin

Management | Christian Mielke
Please note: this is a business contact, only.

Booking | Christian Mielke
Please note: this is a business contact, only.

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